Don't Borrow Money From Family and Friends
By: Andre Hardy

When these things happen we should be in the position to handle them ourselves and not ask our loved ones to bail us out. If we would just live within our means and realize that we need an emergency fund for just these situations, we will never need to borrow money.
One way to do this is to sit down and take your bills (things needed to live) and add them all together. Do not include the things that are not necessary such as the new shoes, that outfit in the store that we think we just gotta have, or for us guys the new Madden video game. Those are things that we can do without until we get a comfortable emergency fund.
When you borrow from your family and friends, you are giving them power over you and until you pay them back you are in debt to them. What happens if you don't pay them back in a timely manner? How do you think they would feel if you went and bought a new pair of shoes and did not pay them back? There are many ways I can go with this, but I am sure you get the picture.
You need to be the lender and the responsible one when it comes to finances. Never be the one that needs others help. One thing that many people are doing is they are finding different ways to enhance their finances. Some are getting second jobs which is not a bad idea when you need to better your financial situation, but who wants to work for another boss. Isn't one boss enough?
The answer to that questions is yes. If you would like to work for yourself and earn extra money on your time I may have the solution for you. All you have to do is visit my website and look at some information posted on that site and if it grabs your attention then contact me so I can give you a complete overview of this great way to earn extra money on your terms.
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