Friday, December 27, 2013

Why Use Autoresponders?

You’ve written your free eBook, you’ve recorded audio downloads… you’re all set to grow your community by offering an incentive to your audience to provide their email address so you can continue marketing to them.


People are signing up and enjoying your free content… and your list is growing. But what next…?


Are you regularly reminding your community that you are there and can ease their pain? Do you have an auto-responder campaign in place that takes care of your follow up with your community?


Or do you rely on remembering to send the occasional broadcast message?


Auto-responders are an incredible way to keep in touch with your community, share even more content or promote your offers. Plus you only need to do the work once and the automation takes care of the rest of the work for you.


So, let’s talk about what auto-responders are… and think about what your auto-responder campaign could look like? What information can you provide to your community to keep you in the forefront of their mind?


What are auto-responders?

 Auto-responders are a series of automated emails that are sent to your community at varying intervals. You will need to use an email marketing system such as AWeber to organize and manage the distribution of your scheduled emails.


You will also need to set aside some time to write and schedule your auto-responder campaign in your chosen email marketing system.


How often should you email?

 The length of auto-responder campaigns vary between 10 and 20 (your email marketing system provider may impose a limit on how many you can send so check this out before you begin planning your campaign) It is usual for the first 3 or 4 emails to be daily… then every other day, petering out to weekly so as not to overwhelm your audience and risk being flagged as a spammer.


Your auto-responder campaign will begin in the first day or two following their download email confirmation and your email frequency is greater during the first month… becoming less frequent for the following few months.


What content could you include?

 It is important to get the balance between sharing informative content and sales promotion right to reduce the risks of your community unsubscribing… I’d recommend no more than 1 sales promotion message to every 5 or 6 emails sent.


I invite you now to think about what kind of informational content you can provide. Here are a few ideas for you to consider;



 Did your free download contain exercises for recipients to complete after reading/listening to your message? Can you prepare any worksheets or link to resources that might make the task easier/quicker/more rewarding?


Blog posts:

 Do you have any blog posts that offer useful tips or strategies that your audience would benefit from knowing about? It’s wise to assume that your community won’t have spent enough time on your site to have read your posts already… highlight one blog post per email and explain why you feel it is to their benefit to take notice.


Is your free download part of a series?

 If not, would there be a benefit to your audience in creating a further eBook or videos to explain areas covered in your original download in more detail? You can use your auto-responder campaign to schedule the delivery of the remainder of the series over the next few days/weeks.



 Are you using any third party resources that would also benefit your community that they might not know about already? Why not share the details on your favorite resource?


TIP: You may find it useful to write a blog post reviewing your favorite resources (one per blog post)… you can describe features and benefits easier in a blog post… and it will be a permanent resource you can direct traffic to.


If you aren’t following up with your growing community, you are missing opportunities, so I invite you to give consideration to how you can use auto-responders in your marketing campaign and take some time to plan and schedule relevant content.


If you are already making use of auto-responders, what content do you find is working best for you? Please share your tips in the comments area below
Taken from

Monday, December 9, 2013

Just in Time for the Holidays

Just in Time for the Holidays

jacki-&-josh-grimleyBetween their bills and a mountain of maxedout credit cards, the Grimleys only had $150 leftover each month to feed their family of four. Forget movies or new shoes or even candy for the stockings—how could they possibly provide basic nutrition for an entire month with only $150?
Almost overnight, the Grimleys’ finances crumbled into what seemed an irreparable mess, their once-bright future water-logged by terrible timing. On the very day Josh quit his corporate job, sick of the long hours and hectic lifestyle, Jacki noticed some strange bowing in the wood floors.
“I went to check the hatch under the house and it was swollen shut,” Josh recalls. Unbeknownst to the Grimleys, a water leak had been destroying their home. “Plumbing, electrical, walls, flooring and even some of the floor joists had to be replaced,” Josh says.
The damage to their home was so extensive they had to move in with parents while the home was remodeled. Their insurance paid for some of the repairs, but it wasn’t nearly enough. With Josh now unemployed, the Grimleys turned to credit cards to survive.
“I took another job making half of what I used to make and worked on remodeling the house in my free time,” Josh says. “We were barely making it paycheck to paycheck.”
Around this time, Josh heard about Melaleuca. The business plan sounded impressive, but first Josh wanted to try the products for himself. “We liked every product we tried, especially Renew® [Lotion],” Josh says. “My wife has a serious dry skin problem on her hands. Before Melaleuca, she was using steroid creams and going to bed with socks on her hands. Within three days of using Renew, her skin had improved so much she stopped using her other creams.”
The Grimleys enrolled on November 2, 2012, and put their all into building a Melaleuca business. When that first check arrived in the mail for $2,409, it quite literally saved their Christmas. “It saved our bacon,” Josh says. “We were able to give our kids Christmas and even give it to another family.”
Since then, Jacki and Josh have paid off $50,000 in debt using their Melaleuca income. Finances were so tight last year, the couple wasn’t able to do anything for their 10th anniversary, so now Josh and Jacki are taking an eight-day trip to Hawaii. And Christmas this year won’t be a time of stress and worry, but rather an opportunity to help others. They plan on providing Christmas for several families in need.
“We believe that the more you give, the more you gain, and we have a responsibility to go out there and provide for other people as well,” Josh says. “This is such an amazing company. It can bless so many lives if you just open your mouth. If you do, you’ll be blessed beyond what you can imagine.”

Learn how you can join a great company and start to enjoy great products as well as a way to go into business for yourself and help your family to become prosperous in so many ways. 
Just fill out the form on the top right corner of this page.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

The One Leadership Secret You Can’t Ignore

The One Leadership Secret You Can’t Ignore
By Vinay Nadig
Setbacks and disappointments are inevitable in business. It's how you respond to them that makes a difference in how much they impact you. Here are five things you can do to see immediate improvement in how you deal with setbacks.

leadership secret
Image source:
I talk about twenty core Leadership Secrets in my executive coaching, speaking and writing. But if someone asked me to name only one that can make an immediate impact, I would pick the behaviors to counter setbacks.

All of us have had (and will continue to have) some professional setbacks – prospects breaking off at the last moment after a seemingly agreeable interaction, clients refusing to renew, etc. While these examples are very specific to my situation, we all face “setbacks” frequently as we strive to achieve our transformational goals. It may be in our personal or professional lives, but setbacks and obstacles are here to stay with us. How does an effective leader react and respond to setbacks? While I can’t say that I am totally immune to the vagaries of rejection and setbacks, here are five simple and quick daily practices I use that have helped me and can help you as well:

# 1 - Budget discrete time for disappointment – While I believe in positive psychology, I don’t really believe in ignoring reality. I acknowledge the sinking feeling I get in my stomach when negative events occur! I know that it will make me feel discouraged and disappointed. What I have taught (and am constantly teaching) myself is to put a discrete timeline in my mind and tell myself that I will stop ruminating over the event after that arbitrary limit. Where you set that limit is up to you. The sooner the better, obviously. But you’ll get better at it as you practice this behavior.

# 2 - Go back to your Personal Mission Statement –The personal mission statement is one of my centering tools, and I especially go back to it when I have setbacks. Do the “whys” still hold true? Am I doing what I am doing for the right reasons? Do they align with my personal and professional themes for the year/future? This exercise serves to firm up my spine and point me back in the direction I should head. Do you have a personal mission statement?

# 3 - Rapidly accelerate – I shift up my “MPH,” my “magnificent performance horsepower” to a different gear and focus intensely on my activity plans. I have found that nothing accelerates outcomes better than positive action. The time after a setback is the second-best time to accelerate (the best being when you succeed, more about that in a future chapter), so focus on action more than ever before. It is quite common to have doubts, of course, especially after a setback, which is why it is important to have a framework for action. I prefer to practice a weekly leadership ritual that gives me a discrete foundation for action. What about you?

# 4 - Find and finish – I pick an outcome in a space that I have influence over (current project, personal project, personal life) and finish it! It is important to me at this point to gain the feeling of achievement and credibility I get by successfully getting to a notable outcome. This is also the time to go after that one activity you have been procrastinating about. The best way to build your core back up is based on achievement and credibility.

# 5 - Finally, surround yourself with the right people – This is exactly the wrong time to hang around people who don’t understand your goals and vision. Unfortunately, many of those whom you consider close may fall into this category. It is simply best not to solicit any feedback from folks who say things like, “Well, it was always going to be tough to do that,” or “This is why I didn’t try to do that – I could have if I wanted to,” or the best one of them all – “I told you so!!!” Understand that you don’t have to react to this unsolicited feedback. Practice the art of selective hearing! It is very important to seek support from a group of people who are positively inclined and are striving toward transformation just as you are.
Vinay Nadig is the author of Leadership IS for Everyone: 20 Leadership Secrets for Exceptional Outcomes and Fulfillment at Work. He has had a 20+ year career as a consultant, entrepreneur and a business unit head in the manufacturing, healthcare, retail, technology and airline sectors sectors, consulting with several large Fortune 500 organizations. For more information, please visit, and  This article is taken from

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